Why do opposites attract? How come some great things in life have a rough start ? Why does a seashore have a different feeling then a mountain top?
Can we look at things and find their patterns? Is there a system behind things? Or is life just random… ?
3 Special On-line Workshops About The Natural Laws
- August 31st Looking for Natural Patterns and their Meaning
- September 7th As above so below – the natural laws of the universe and the way they appear in our daily lives
- September 14th Sacred Geometry of Places – how to recognize special places, how to search for them and even create them
Saturday, August 31st, September 7th & 14th 2019
10:00-12:00 pm Seattle
11:00 – 1:00 pm Denver
12:00 – 2:00 pm Chicago
1:00-3:00 PM New York
Via Zoom video conferencing.