As we progress though life, we often find ourselves in situations where our psychological reactions seem to get triggered very quickly and seemingly without us even thinking about them. Looking back on these events, we often ask ourselves, could I have reacted differently? Is there was a better way I could have dealt with the situation? Am I destined to keep reacting the same ways to the same things or is there something I can do?
As we begin to take on new endeavours in our lives, we begin to see that these same patterns may not fit with our new aims and intentions. They may be holding us back in what we really want to see in our lives. They may have been something we accepted in the past but are somehow not as relevant today.
Please join us on Saturday when we will begin to discover how psychological reactions are formed and the three decisions that can be made about our new aims and intentions so as to be able to move forward toward a new and brighter future.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
10:00-12:00 pm Seattle
11:00 – 1:00 pm Denver
12:00 – 2:00 pm Chicago
1:00-3:00 PM New York
Via Zoom video conferencing.